The girl in the coffee shop

I am not the girl in the coffee shop.

The one up early in the morning sipping on her coffee, working on her projects, no I am not her.

I am the girl with countless sleepless nights and sleepy days.

The girl in the coffee shop with her laptop and notes strives towards her goals, and I don’t even know where to begin to achieve mine.

I am the girl who always finds herself too exhausted to do the smallest of tasks.

She enjoys every last sip of her coffee, while I have to quickly drink mine just so I can stay awake in the day if only for an hour longer.

In the coffee shop she plans every word and sentence carefully and I chaotically write out anything that comes to mind.

I want to be the hardworking girl who wakes up as the sunrises to go sip her coffee and work on her projects.

Those projects she writes with ease.

I aspire to be her.

I aspire to be the girl who spends hours writing a novel or working hard for her classes, confident enough to do it in a coffee shop where all can see.

No, I am not the girl in the coffee shop and I’m not sure I ever will be.